Saturday, June 10, 2006

Day 64... Memorables

Found all these while packing my room, for upgrading of flat...

好小子 - My very first comic series , even before Dragon Ball Z. This series might belong to my brother, passed down to me. I've read this series countless times, as during my chuldhood days, no money to buy comics, and not allowed too, now...not encourage. Comic is always part of my life, that i how i got into drawing, my drawings are seen all over this comic and 老夫子, i drew stick figures on the comic forming my own story... creative bah~
好小子 is about this kid call 林峰(i still remember!). He's a rebellious, who lives with his father when he was young, he's father a miner, lived in the forest, pennyless and hunt for food. One day, 林峰's mum wanted to miss his son, and decide to fetch him to her home, his mum came from a very rich family who had a Kendo Acedemy. He cause alot of trouble at home and in school... then he joined Kendo in his school and managed to beat the his life as a Kendo Artist begun...
Ahhh~ My cupboard of comics... ok it's 2 level thick, got one more stack behind this stack... 厲害吧! Still got the ultimate series of Dragon Ball Z with Bryan~ I got Slam Dunk, IS", One Piece, Naruto, Zetman, F-Compo, 棋靈王, 電影少女...etc etc. How much $ i spent?....lost count My childhood sticker collection~ kids just love sticker! So i collect and kept all in this box since young. The collection stoped when i reach secondary school. Ah ha~ Ninja Turtles!! My favourite cartoon during primary school, everything also Ninja Turtles, pencil box, rubber, pencil, ruler, toy, bookmark, bag... Favourite Turtle : Michaelangelo
CAWA BANGA! ( i dunno wat it means but they always shout this)
Dragon Ball Z cards... another killer... always buy this and no money...
Golden~ Golden~ Always trying to turn out golden cards, so tt can hao lian to friends, and it's like a reward after so many normal cards~ some idol cards, i also dunno y i bought them...
Zo Cards! FREE TO COLLECT!!!!~~~! but....what's the use? I'm going to give all to Bryan, he say going to paste fill his wall with these. Now i still take, but give Brayan~ hahaha! 不拿白不拿
My Eraser collection~! All collected duting primary school. Some bought some pick up on the floor, some win from playing rubber kakakaka~This is a very special eraser. My first chop, carved out from one of my eraser, i forgot how i did it but i remember i did it and use pen and fill the surface and chop it on my school desk!! WAHAHAHAHAH!!! 壞人!The opposite side i carved my English name.The one and only project i've done and got full marks. It's a science project in secondary 2. A group of us went everywhere to catch spiders, we caught alot, so jumping spiders such as Fighting Spider and Web Weaving spiders, which in the end were put in the tank for the teacher to see it's beautiful web... another of it died and the carcass was sealed in a clear plastic box, and even now i still kept the almost perfect non decompossed carcass... one of the leg broke off as i stupidly lend it to a stupid friend...
Chosen Ones - My one and only comic that i've involved in creation. Before i started poly, i joined a course in NAFA call Comic Creation Course, held by Mr Kiasu's creator: Johnny Lau. He taught us the baics of comic creation, from drawing unique characters to story building. I remember we were split in small groups, thought of our own story and then we joined all these story together to create a unique story. Then someone thought of using Egyptian God names in the story. So Horus was used as the main character's name...(we call him 好力克) The penciler is a very very skilled artist, i learnt alot of drawing skills from him. And he's the very very few Singaporeans who would devote his time to create comics. Though there's close to no market for Singapore comics, but he still believes there's a chance. 加油!THAM!
The comic was presented to National Youth Council, and the comic creation and our advance course was also sponsored, we were sooo trilled~ We approached a few printers to sponsor printing the comic...but all reject... so in the end National Youth Council print it themselves and give out to members... heard that it can be found in Orchard Library Comic Section...
Oh..i forgot to mention, i'm only fit to be an small inker, who ink the boxes of the pages and some action lines. Almost every saturday afternoon, we'll go to NYC building to work on the comic...and the whole meeting is ours... in the beginning 20 of us...then slowly become fewer and fewer...those devoted to do left...around 7.
My first appearance in magazine~ I'm on ur left of XQ, the one back facing the camera.
It's a school magazine, taken in primary school, i remember primary 6, all of us were asked to pick up litter in East friend, smart enough, found a skewer, used it to pick up the litter without dirtying his hands, and me i just hold the plastic bag~
In pri sch, we went to all sort of places... including Krangi Swamp...super muddy place...and i remember alot of our shoes were stucked in the mud while walking through....errr xin~


Anonymous said...



keep so long for wat!!!

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Woah, I also read 好小子 when I was young, but I didn't quite like the ending.

XQ said...

littlechup- WILL LA~! NEED U TO TELL ME AH!

Pine- ^_^

Alex- U got see my blog one ah~ i dunno leh~ HAHAH! I dunno the ending, i only got less rhan half the episodes,wats the ending?

Anonymous said...

Your sis Ling forwarded me your blog one day, although I am quite scared of cockroaches. Ending was he gave up Kendo after winning the regional Kendo contest to join his Dad for treasure hunting on a ship. I still have the full set of 好小子, Dragonballs, SlamDunk, XiaoDingDang etc etc

Humptydumptysatonthewall said...

Woo hoo!! Chosen ones!
Still rem my name spell wrongly..
haha gotta meet up someday man. with tham and pine and u of cos la.

sswoss said...

WHAHAHa your erasers er very vintage n seasoned ah *cough *cough. i still keep my erasers n stickers collection as well!! cant bear to rid em leh.. somemore my erasers n stickers look nicer than yours.

XQ said...

I've taken all the useless erasers out and giving the rest to salvation army, hopefully some kids can find them useful. The stickers...i'm keeping it. Nice or anot, i dun care, because only memory is important.

XQ said...

To Alex,
oh...sorry i mixed u up with my other friend Alex...i knew he dun read my blog. But hi hi~ WELCOME!
Dun worry i'm scared of cockroaches too~ many of us here are~ HAHA! but XQ is a not a scarry fella~ right~? Ok tt's y u say u dun like the ending...

To Blackcurrent,
lets meet to combine our powers~~~

Anonymous said...

Wow, haha. Miss the spider catching days....But I am really happy with mine now :P

XQ said...

i also miss those days~